black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Do Amor

Feira Solar que junta gente alto astral e chacoalha a economia criativa desde 2017

Qualidade e diversidade garantidas.


Sobre Nós

A Economia Criativa é a principal proposta do bazar Do Amor, uma feira criada para valorizar novos criadores, produtores independentes e incentivar a cultura na cidade de Campinas.
Fundada em abril de 2017 pela produtora cultural Milena Carlström, a feira é itinerante e atualmente reúne 50 estandes de pequenos produtores locais. Os expositores abrangem diversos segmentos, como arte acessível, vinis, brechós, costura criativa, floricultura, decoração, cosméticos naturais e moda autoral, sempre prezando pela qualidade dos produtos selecionados por meio de uma criteriosa curadoria.

Além de fortalecer a economia local, Do Amor também oferece espaço para que artistas apresentem seus trabalhos durante o evento. Exposições, shows e oficinas são algumas das intervenções artísticas realizadas nas edições anteriores da feira.

Com uma curadoria inovadora, a feira está sempre atenta às novas tendências e comprometida com a sustentabilidade. Por isso, opta por não incluir produtos de origem animal e orienta os expositores a evitarem a produção de lixo em excesso. Há também uma preferência pelo uso de alternativas ao plástico, tanto em embalagens quanto em sacolas, além de outras iniciativas que ajudam a preservar o meio ambiente. Essas ações reforçam a proposta de tornar a vida mais leve, sustentável e cheia de amor.

A market stall displays various handmade crafts, including woven baskets, intricate macramé wall hangings, and embroidered hats. The setting is rustic, with wooden beams and ambient lighting, creating a cozy and artisanal atmosphere.
A market stall displays various handmade crafts, including woven baskets, intricate macramé wall hangings, and embroidered hats. The setting is rustic, with wooden beams and ambient lighting, creating a cozy and artisanal atmosphere.
A vibrant market stall displays a variety of colorful handcrafted items, including woven baskets, embroidered textiles, and beaded jewelry. A person is interacting with the items, adding a personal touch to the lively scene. The table is covered with fabric showcasing intricate patterns and motifs, indicative of traditional craftsmanship.
A vibrant market stall displays a variety of colorful handcrafted items, including woven baskets, embroidered textiles, and beaded jewelry. A person is interacting with the items, adding a personal touch to the lively scene. The table is covered with fabric showcasing intricate patterns and motifs, indicative of traditional craftsmanship.


Milena Carlström, que tem um extenso percurso pelos melhores bazares e feiras criativas de Campinas e da região, com mais de 10 anos de Mercado Mundo Mix, a promotora e curadora de eventos de cultura e moda foi fundadora do Bazar Clube das Pinups e Feira Curta e hoje promove os eventos Do Amor e Feira Pavê. Sempre prezando pela qualidade dos produtos selecionados através de uma atenciosa curadoria, alinhando tendências e atualidades com o que há de melhor no trabalho artístico da produção local, valorizando e fortalecendo o mercado da produção cultural.Os principais pilares da sua curadoria estão no campo da sustentabilidade, economia criativa e diversidade. Sempre optando por selecionar artistas que não trabalhem com produtos de origem animal e expositores preocupados com iniciativas e ações diretas que ajudam a preservar o meio ambiente e a tornar a nossa vida mais consciente, sustentável e amorosa.

Serviços Criativos Locais

Apoio a novos criadores e produtores independentes em Campinas, promovendo a economia criativa.

Feira Itinerante Local
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.

Espaço para pequenos produtores e artistas apresentarem seus trabalhos e produtos de qualidade.

A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A street market stall features an array of handmade jewelry displayed on wooden platforms and circular trays. The crafts include necklaces and bracelets, emphasizing a rustic, natural aesthetic. Signs in the background suggest a theme of returning to nature. The setting has a casual, artisanal vibe.
A street market stall features an array of handmade jewelry displayed on wooden platforms and circular trays. The crafts include necklaces and bracelets, emphasizing a rustic, natural aesthetic. Signs in the background suggest a theme of returning to nature. The setting has a casual, artisanal vibe.
Cultura e Arte

Valorização da cultura local através de arte acessível, moda autoral e decoração criativa.

Apoio a artistas locais e promoção de eventos culturais que fortalecem a comunidade.

Eventos Culturais
A cozy workshop setting with various leather goods and accessories on display. Handcrafted items such as wallets, bags, and keychains are neatly arranged on a wooden table. There is a sewing machine in the background, along with hanging lamps that provide warm lighting. The ambiance suggests a focus on craftsmanship and artisanal work.
A cozy workshop setting with various leather goods and accessories on display. Handcrafted items such as wallets, bags, and keychains are neatly arranged on a wooden table. There is a sewing machine in the background, along with hanging lamps that provide warm lighting. The ambiance suggests a focus on craftsmanship and artisanal work.


Explore a criatividade e o talento dos produtores locais de Campinas.

A street scene featuring a quaint shop with various artworks and crafts displayed outside. A large tree offers shade, and colorful clothing hangs on racks. The shop appears to be small and charming, with a rustic feel, enhanced by potted plants and an inviting entrance.
A street scene featuring a quaint shop with various artworks and crafts displayed outside. A large tree offers shade, and colorful clothing hangs on racks. The shop appears to be small and charming, with a rustic feel, enhanced by potted plants and an inviting entrance.
A market stall at The North Arcade showcases vibrant, handmade garments and crafts. A brightly colored sweater dominates the display, with various textiles hanging, including patterned scarves and bags. The atmosphere suggests a bustling marketplace focused on artisanal products.
A market stall at The North Arcade showcases vibrant, handmade garments and crafts. A brightly colored sweater dominates the display, with various textiles hanging, including patterned scarves and bags. The atmosphere suggests a bustling marketplace focused on artisanal products.
A store display filled with an assortment of colorful handcrafted items including plush toys, hanging decorations, and patterned pouches. Shelves are packed with creatively designed products, exhibiting vibrant textiles and intricate patterns. The scene is lively with a clutter of colors and textures, giving a sense of artisanal craftsmanship.
A store display filled with an assortment of colorful handcrafted items including plush toys, hanging decorations, and patterned pouches. Shelves are packed with creatively designed products, exhibiting vibrant textiles and intricate patterns. The scene is lively with a clutter of colors and textures, giving a sense of artisanal craftsmanship.


Parcerias são pontes que nos
levam mais longe, unindo talentos
e fortalecendo propósitos.

Goma Arte e Cultura
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.

Desde a estreia do Bazar do Amor no Estúdio Ladrilho, o Goma Bar tem sido nosso parceiro, e essa parceria se reafirmou após a pandemia.

A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A street market stall features an array of handmade jewelry displayed on wooden platforms and circular trays. The crafts include necklaces and bracelets, emphasizing a rustic, natural aesthetic. Signs in the background suggest a theme of returning to nature. The setting has a casual, artisanal vibe.
A street market stall features an array of handmade jewelry displayed on wooden platforms and circular trays. The crafts include necklaces and bracelets, emphasizing a rustic, natural aesthetic. Signs in the background suggest a theme of returning to nature. The setting has a casual, artisanal vibe.

A feira Pavê surgiu dentro do circuito mais quente de Barão Geraldo e agora se consolida como uma empolgante parceira com a feira de discos de Barão. O evento é bimestral e sempre ocorre na cervejaria Baclaman.

Desde os primórdios o bazar do Amor conta com a parceria da produtora Zumbido Cultural em todos seus festivais que acontecem na praça Durval Pátaro em Barão Geraldo e na concha acústica do Taquaral.

Zumbido Cultural
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.
A rustic market stall showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including decorative woven baskets and colorful textiles. The scene is set under a wooden canopy with stone pillars, and the ground is cobbled. Various handcrafted items are neatly arranged, featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
A bustling outdoor market scene featuring several stalls selling a variety of handmade and artisanal goods. Wooden crates and barrels are filled with items like pasta and baked goods. Several people are browsing and shopping under the shade of white tents, with an eclectic display of products. A backdrop of a striped green and white fabric adds color to the arrangement.
Sunday Rock Sunday

Um dos festivais de rock mais importantes da cidade, conta com a curadoria do bazar do Amor, levando mais de 50 stands para o evento.

Escola Americana

Na escola brasileira, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o Bazar do Amor participa da semana brasileira, levando o melhor do trabalho feito à mão.